Can I arrange a burial through Norwood Park?

No. Norwood Park Crematorium only performs cremations. Please contact canberra cemeteries for information on burials.

What do you recommend to people about leaving items of jewellery on a body?

The best advice is that they should be removed after death. Once the coffin has entered the crematorium grounds the coffin cannot be opened.

What about precious and other metals?

The temperature at which a modern cremator operators (between 800 and 1000C) is such that metals are destroyed and have no salvage value. Any metallic material resulting from a cremation is disposed of in accordance with the cremation act.

Is the coffin cremated with the body?

Yes. The coffin is placed in the cremation chamber intact.

Is more than one coffin at one time in a cremator?

No. The only exceptions permitted to this rule are in the case of a mother and baby or babies, when we will accept both in the same coffin, if the next of kin request that the two be cremated together.

Is cremation more costly than burial?

Generally speaking cremation is significantly cheaper than burial. However, you should discuss the matter with a funeral director who will be able to advise you of the precise cost of each option.

Does the cremation take place immediately, or are the coffins stored up until a number are ready to be cremated?

The cremation will follow as soon as possible after the service.

Do I need to use a Funeral Director?

The best advice would be yes. Due to the finality of cremation, specific documentation is required under the Cremation Act 2003. Funeral Directors arrange this documentation; provide coffins, transportation of the deceased, arrangement of service, etc.

Do I have to sign anything?

Yes. If you are the executor or the next of kin or authorised by either to do so, you will be asked to complete the application for cremation authority forms from your funeral director.

Can relatives witness the committal of the coffin into the cremator?

Yes. People are permitted to attend if they wish, however advance notice is required and special arrangements as to timing may need to be made.

Can I purchase a cremation before it is needed?

Yes. You can purchase a pre-paid cremation directly with Norwood Park. It costs $1,200 and includes a chapel service. However, this only covers the cost of the cremation. You should contact a Funeral Director to arrange a pre-paid funeral plan.

Can I get the handles and fittings back?

Yes. You should inform your funeral director, who should make your wishes clear before the day of the cremation.

What happens about handles and other fittings?

Due to EPA considerations, the handles and fittings are removed and discarded. If you wish to keep the handles and fittings, please let the funeral director know of your wishes before the cremation has taken place.